<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<turing-machine version="0.1">
	<!-- This Turing Machine (TM) determines if a word is a palindrome.
	     A palindrome is a word which reads the same backwards or forwards. 
	     An example is 'aibohphobia' (The fear of palindromes.)
	     The Turing machine assumes that the first (i.e., leftmost) 
	     symbol on the tape is the leftmost symbol of the word. If the
	     TM halts with no symbols left on the tape the original word was a
	     If the first symbol is a blank the TM will halt immediatly. So, 
	     if the input tape is " 1221", then the Turing machine will 
	     assume that tape does not contain any input and halt, leaving an
	     unprocessed word on the tape.
	     This Turing Machine Markup Language (TMML) document complies
	     with the DTD for TMML, which is available at
	     https://www.thelyonsfamily.us/turing/tmml.dtd and with the XML Schema for
	     TMML which is not yet available.
	     This Turing machine can be executed by an XSLT stylesheet that is
	     available at https://www.thelyonsfamily.us/turing/utm.xsl. This stylesheet
	     is a Universal Turing Machine.
	     The following Instant Saxon command will execute the Turing machine
	     described by this TMML document using the utm.xsl stylesheet:
	     saxon palindrom_tm.xml utm.xsl tape=102201
	     Developed by Daan Wanrooy.
	     Please email any comments about this TMML document to
	<!-- The symbols used are 0, 1, 2. The blank symbol is ' ' (default) -->
		<!-- In the start state the TM is ready to check if the
		     symbols on the tape form a palindrome. We will call the
		     non-blank symbols on the tape a word.
		     In this state the TM will consume the first symbol and
		     remembers which one it was.
		<state start="yes">start</state>
		<!-- In the moveRight* states the first symbol is remembered. 
		     The TM moves to the end of the word without altering it.
		<!-- In the check* states the last symbol of the word is checked
		     against the first. If they are the same the TM moves to
		     the beginning of the word and start the whole process over.
		     If the differ the TM halts, leaving the unprocessed word
		     on the tape indicating an error.
		<!-- In the moveLeft state the TM moves to the beginning of the
		<state halt="yes">halt</state>		
		<!-- When in start state:
		     If we are not yet finished read first symbol and check if 
		     the last symbol is the same. 
		<!-- The first symbol is 0, check if last symbol is 0.
			<from current-state="start" current-symbol="0" />
			<to next-state="moveRight0" next-symbol=" " movement="right" />
		<!-- The first symbol is 1, check if last symbol is 1.
			<from current-state="start" current-symbol="1" />
			<to next-state="moveRight1" next-symbol=" " movement="right" />

		<!-- The first symbol is 2, check if last symbol is 2.
			<from current-state="start" current-symbol="2" />
			<to next-state="moveRight2" next-symbol=" " movement="right" />
		<!-- The first symbol is blank so we are done.
			<from current-state="start" current-symbol=" " />
			<to next-state="halt" next-symbol=" " movement="none" />
		<!-- When in moveRight* state:
		     leave symbols on the tape until end of word.
		<!-- moveRight0 -->
		<!-- reading 0 writing 0 move right -->
			<from current-state="moveRight0" current-symbol="0" />
			<to next-state="moveRight0" next-symbol="0" movement="right" />
		<!-- reading 1 writing 1 move right -->
			<from current-state="moveRight0" current-symbol="1" />
			<to next-state="moveRight0" next-symbol="1" movement="right" />
		<!-- reading 2 writing 2 move right -->
			<from current-state="moveRight0" current-symbol="2" />
			<to next-state="moveRight0" next-symbol="2" movement="right" />
		<!-- reading blank writing blank move left state check0
			<from current-state="moveRight0" current-symbol=" " />
			<to next-state="check0" next-symbol=" " movement="left" />
		<!-- moveRight1 -->
		<!-- reading 0 writing 0 move right -->
			<from current-state="moveRight1" current-symbol="0" />
			<to next-state="moveRight1" next-symbol="0" movement="right" />
		<!-- reading 1 writing 1 move right -->
			<from current-state="moveRight1" current-symbol="1" />
			<to next-state="moveRight1" next-symbol="1" movement="right" />
		<!-- reading 2 writing 2 move right -->
			<from current-state="moveRight1" current-symbol="2" />
			<to next-state="moveRight1" next-symbol="2" movement="right" />
		<!-- reading blank writing blank move left state check1
			<from current-state="moveRight1" current-symbol=" " />
			<to next-state="check1" next-symbol=" " movement="left" />
		<!-- moveRight2 -->
		<!-- reading 0 writing 0 move right -->
			<from current-state="moveRight2" current-symbol="0" />
			<to next-state="moveRight2" next-symbol="0" movement="right" />
		<!-- reading 1 writing 1 move right -->
			<from current-state="moveRight2" current-symbol="1" />
			<to next-state="moveRight2" next-symbol="1" movement="right" />
		<!-- reading 2 writing 2 move right -->
			<from current-state="moveRight2" current-symbol="2" />
			<to next-state="moveRight2" next-symbol="2" movement="right" />
		<!-- reading blank writing blank move left state check2
			<from current-state="moveRight2" current-symbol=" " />
			<to next-state="check2" next-symbol=" " movement="left" />
		<!-- When in check* state:
		     If the last symbol equals the first symbol erase it and 
		     move to new first symbol. If the two symbols differ, stop.
		     special case:
		     If the word had an odd length, there could be no non-blank
		     symbol left. In that case halt.
		<!-- check0 -->
		<!-- read 0. This is ok, check the rest of the word. -->
			<from current-state="check0" current-symbol="0" />
			<to next-state="moveLeft" next-symbol=" " movement="left" />
		<!-- read 1. This is wrong, stop executing -->
			<from current-state="check0" current-symbol="1" />
			<to next-state="halt" next-symbol="1" movement="none" />
		<!-- read 2. This is wrong, stop executing -->
			<from current-state="check0" current-symbol="2" />
			<to next-state="halt" next-symbol="1" movement="none" />
		<!-- read ' '. This is ok. stop executing -->
			<from current-state="check0" current-symbol=" " />
			<to next-state="halt" next-symbol=" " movement="none" />
		<!-- check1 -->
		<!-- read 0. This is wrong, stop executing -->
			<from current-state="check1" current-symbol="0" />
			<to next-state="halt" next-symbol="0" movement="none" />
		<!-- read 1. This is ok, check the rest of the word. -->
			<from current-state="check1" current-symbol="1" />
			<to next-state="moveLeft" next-symbol=" " movement="left" />
		<!-- read 2. This is wrong, stop executing -->
			<from current-state="check1" current-symbol="2" />
			<to next-state="halt" next-symbol="2" movement="none" />
		<!-- read ' '. This is ok. stop executing -->
			<from current-state="check1" current-symbol=" " />
			<to next-state="halt" next-symbol=" " movement="none" />

		<!-- check2 -->
		<!-- read 0. This is wrong, stop executing -->
			<from current-state="check2" current-symbol="0" />
			<to next-state="halt" next-symbol="0" movement="none" />
		<!-- read 1. This is wrong, stop executing -->
			<from current-state="check2" current-symbol="1" />
			<to next-state="halt" next-symbol="1" movement="none" />
		<!-- read 2. This is ok, check the rest of the word. -->
			<from current-state="check2" current-symbol="2" />
			<to next-state="moveLeft" next-symbol=" " movement="left" />
		<!-- read ' '. This is ok. stop executing -->
			<from current-state="check2" current-symbol=" " />
			<to next-state="halt" next-symbol=" " movement="none" />

		<!-- when in moveLeft state:
		     move all the way up to the first symbol leaving the tape
		     undisterbed and start over.
		<!-- read 0 write 0 move left -->
			<from current-state="moveLeft" current-symbol="0" />
			<to next-state="moveLeft" next-symbol="0" movement="left" />
		<!-- read 1 write 1 move left -->
			<from current-state="moveLeft" current-symbol="1" />
			<to next-state="moveLeft" next-symbol="1" movement="left" />
		<!-- read 2 write 2 move left -->
			<from current-state="moveLeft" current-symbol="2" />
			<to next-state="moveLeft" next-symbol="2" movement="left" />

		<!-- read blank write blank move right state start -->
			<from current-state="moveLeft" current-symbol=" " />
			<to next-state="start" next-symbol=" " movement="right" />

